Research into
Fine Chemical
Kewpie contributes to the health and
healthcare sectors with unique ingredients and technologies
We created ingredients that leverage our strengths through investigation and research into functional ingredients, both egg-based and otherwise. We are deploying unique ingredients such as egg yolk lecithin, lysozyme, Hyaluronic acid, and acetic acid bacteria not only in the food sector, but also in the cosmetics and healthcare sectors. Looking ahead, we will go beyond simply developing such unique ingredients and combine them with a range of technologies to create new value, thereby continuing to contribute to the health of our customers the world over.

Egg yolk lecithin


Hyaluronic acid

Associated Technologies
Adding Value to Hyaluronic acid
We are undertaking R&D on technologies to produce highly purified Hyaluronic acid and to adjust molecular weight for specific purposes, as well as modification technology to add new properties. Meanwhile, we are also focusing on obtaining evidence for the efficacy of the products we develop.

Deploying Emulsification Technology in the Pharmaceutical Domain
Some medications are difficult to dissolve in water, or break down when they are dissolved. Combining our emulsification technology acquired through manufacturing mayonnaise with our unique ingredients, we can use these to maximize the efficacy of medications within the body. We are conducting R&D on this sort of value-added formulation technology, which is attracting worldwide attention.
Explaining Hyaluronic acid in Easy-to-Understand Terms
From our skin to our eyes, our knees, and other parts of our bodies, Hyaluronic acid has the power to do us good. Here we answer all your questions on everything from Hyaluronic acid’s features and benefits to the special relationship Kewpie has with this ingredient.
Advancing from Research on Vinegar to Research on Acetic Acid Bacteria
Vinegar is a key raw ingredient for the Kewpie Group that determines the taste of its mayonnaise. Over the course of many years the Group has been producing vinegar and accumulating a body of related research. As part of that research we focused on the acetic acid bacteria enzymes contained in acetic acid bacteria, which are essential to vinegar production.
We observed that if alcohol is consumed after ingesting acetic acid bacteria enzymes, the ethanol concentration in the breath and the blood is reduced compared to when acetic acid bacteria enzymes have not been ingested.