Contributing to Food Culture and Health

As a company in the food industry, an industry that is indispensable to people's lives, the Kewpie Group will contribute to the realization of healthy and affluent lifestyles.
Focusing on salads and eggs, we will develop products that consider the diets and health of all our customers in Japan and abroad, and promote mental and physical health support for children through various food-related initiatives.
We also engage in social contribution activities to realize a better society, chiefly by maintaining our business, helping diverse groups, and maintaining strong community ties.
Sustainability Targets
Material Issues | Initiative Theme | Indicators | FY2030 Target |
Contributing to Food Culture and Health | Contribution to Extending Healthy Life Expectancy | To contribute to our customers' healthy eating habits, we are promoting initiatives centered on the expansion of opportunities to eat salads and enhancing the added value of eggs. | |
Mental and Physical Health Support for Children | Number of children's smiles via our activities (cumulative since FY2019) | At least 1 million |