Material Issues and Promotion Framework

Our Approach to Sustainability

We at the Kewpie Group aim to continue helping create a better society by contributing to food culture and health of the world through great taste, empathy, and uniqueness. We recognize sustainability initiatives as important activities and help realize a sustainable society through the practice of our Corporate Philosophy and Group Policies, and implement our initiatives as a foundation for the sustainable growth of the Group.

Kewpie Group Basic Policy on Sustainability

With an emphasis on the aspiration for "love around the kitchen table,"
we aim to address and resolve various issues through
"great taste, empathy and uniqueness."
We will create a future full of smiles by caring for people
and the environment throughout the value chain,
from product design and raw material procurement,
to production, sales and consumption.

Contributing to Food Culture and Health

  • Focusing on salads and eggs as key components of dietary habits, we contribute to extending the healthy life expectancy of people around the world through the pursuit and global promotion of nutrition and health benefits.
  • Through food, we support the mental and physical health of children who will create the future.

Effective Use and Recycling of Resources

  • As the only manufacturer in the world that makes effective use of the entire egg, we will continue to refine our technologies and create value.
  • In proposing ways of eating and utilizing uneaten portions, we aim to become a globally unique "vegetable utilization manufacturer."
  • To realize a recycling-oriented society in plastics, we will promote environmentally friendly product design and collaboration with external parties.
  • Recognizing that water is a limited and precious resource, we will use it efficiently and reduce the environmental impact of water intake and discharge.
  • We will develop extensive technologies matching demand information with transportation and delivery data information to eliminate food loss.

Deal with Climate Change

  • We aim to reduce CO2 emissions throughout the value chain, from the procurement of raw materials to product consumption.

Conservation of Biodiversity

  • We will strive to minimize negative impacts on biodiversity and restore and regenerate ecosystems.

Sustainable Procurement

  • In addition to safety, we will collaborate with business partners to promote stable procurement that takes into consideration environmental impacts and human rights.

Respect for Human Rights

  • We promote employee diversity and inclusion, protecting the human rights of everyone involved in our business.

Adopted 2022, revised December 2024

Sustainability Promotion System

Sustainability Promotion System

Chaired by the director in charge of sustainability, the Sustainability Committee promotes the formulation of policies and plans as well as initiatives toward the achievement of the sustainability targets.
We are working to instill and establish groupwide material issue targets and initiatives examined in subcommittees and cooperative projects.
In cooperation with the Risk Management Committee, we will respond to climate change and strengthen our business foundation.

Material Issues for Sustainability

Using backcasting and considering our aims to realize the "Kewpie Group 2030 Vision" and contribute to SDGs* from 2030, the Kewpie Group has identified the following material issues for sustainability.

  • Contributing to Food Culture and Health
  • Effective Use and Recycling of Resources
  • Deal with Climate Change
  • Conservation of Biodiversity
  • Sustainable Procurement
  • Respect for Human Rights

We believe that these issues are important to both contribute to the realization of a sustainable society and achieve sustainable growth for the Group. We will periodically review our priority issues in response to changes in the social and global environment.

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

*Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
The Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 2015, are a collection of 17 global goals forming a common international agenda for sustainable development, with a target date of 2030.

SDGs addressed by the Kewpie Group

Economy Society Environment

Process for Identifying Material Issues

Step 1: Identification of Social Issues We identify social issues that the Kewpie Group should address based on various international sustainability standards, including SDGs and diverse ESG assessments. Step 2:Identification of Business and Social Impact The social issues identified in Step 1 are analyzed in terms of risks and opportunities in the value chain, and their impact on business and society is assessed in terms of importance. Step 3: Identification of Material Issues and Development of Sustainability Goals We reflect the opinions of relevant departments, experts, and knowledgeable persons in light of our performance, progress, and changes in society and the global environment. Step 4: Approval by Sustainability Committee The identified sustainability priorities and goals are approved by the Sustainability Committee.

Identification of Social Issues to be Addressed by the Kewpie Group

The Kewpie Group identifies social issues to be addressed through its business with reference to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), GRI, ISO 26000, SASB, and various ESG assessments.

Impact on Business and Society

We analyzed risks and opportunities in the value chain considering the entire value chain and stakeholders. Additionally, for each social issue, we evaluated stakeholder expectations and the Group's impact on society and identified material issues for sustainability.

Risks and Opportunities Analysis of our Value Chain

Identification of Social Issues to be Addressed by the Kewpie Group image1

Identification of Material Issues for Sustainability

Identification of Material Issues for Sustainability

Sustainability Targets

Sustainability targets are indexes of the themes tied to key sustainability issues that the Kewpie Group will address.
All our employees are committed to achieving our goals by maintaining an awareness of sustainability, practicing Group Philosophy, and enacting Group Policies.

Sustainability Targets and Performance

Material Issues Initiative Theme Indicators FY2024
SDGsアイコン 目標17:パートナーシップで目標を達成しよう Contributing to Food Culture and Health
SDGsアイコン 目標2:飢餓をゼロに SDGsアイコン 目標3:すべての人に健康と福祉を SDGsアイコン 目標4:質の高い教育をみんなに
To contribute to our customers' healthy eating habits, we are promoting initiatives centered on the expansion of opportunities to eat salads and enhancing the added value of eggs.
Number of children's smiles via our activities
(cumulative since FY2019)
463 thousand children At least 800 thousand At least 1 million
Effective Use and Recycling of Resources
SDGsアイコン 目標12:つくる責任 つかう責任
Food waste reduction rate (compared to FY2015) 60.6% At least 63% At least 65%
Effective utilization rate of unused portions of vegetables Main vegetables: Cabbage, etc. 85.3% At least 88% At least 90%
Reduction rate in volume of product waste (compared to FY2015) 65.9% At least 70% At least 70%
Reduction rate in volume of plastic waste (compared to FY2018) Preparing for disclosure At least 25% At least 30%
SDGsアイコン 目標6:安全な水とトイレを世界中に SDGsアイコン 目標12:つくる責任 つかう責任 SDGsアイコン 目標14:海の豊かさを守ろう Water usage (basic unit) reduction rate (compared to FY2020) 7.8% At least 8% At least 10%
Deal with Climate Change
SDGsアイコン 目標7:エネルギーをみんなに そしてクリーンに SDGsアイコン 目標13:気候変動に具体的な対策を
Reduction rate in CO2 emissions (compared to FY2013) 44.4% At least 46% At least 50%
Conservation of Biodiversity
SDGsアイコン 目標14:海の豊かさを守ろう SDGsアイコン 目標15:陸の豊かさも守ろう
100% sustainable paper procurement by 2025(Containers and packaging, booklets, promotional products, office supplies) Preparing for disclosure 100% 100%
Sustainable Procurement
SDGsアイコン 目標2:飢餓をゼロに SDGsアイコン 目標15:陸の豊かさも守ろう
Promote Fundamental Policy for Sustainable Procurement in cooperation with business partners
Respect for Human Rights
SDGsアイコン 目標5:ジェンダー平等を実現しよう SDGsアイコン 目標8:働きがいも経済成長も
Promote the Kewpie Group Human Rights Policy to respect the human rights of all people involved in our business

Note: The "food waste reduction rate" indicator includes the "effective utilization rate of unused portions of vegetables."
Sustainability targets are domestic figures.
We changed our indicator for 'contribution to extending healthy life expectancy' in FY2025.
We reviewed the calculation data for the base year regarding the 'Reduction rate in CO2 emissions' and the figures now reflect retroactive application in FY2025.

Promoting Awareness Among Employees

We believe the creation of a sustainable society and sustainable corporate growth requires each and every employee to understand and empathize with our ideas and policies.

In-House Bulletins

We use publications such as integrated reports and books on communication to educate employees. We also disseminate information on sustainability via in-house tools such as the Kewpie Group newsletter "iQP" and the sustainability email newsletter "NewS."

Kewpie Group Official Blog

Launched in March 2007 to communicate our social and Protect the Earth's Environment to the public, Kewpie Group Official Blog (formerly known as the CSR Blog) aims to make the concept of sustainability resonate with each and every employee through articles written by employees actually working within the group.

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